Saturday, December 17, 2011

Anyone else had their account suspended?

I had my account suspended yesterday for an answer that was supposed to have violated guidlines (which it did not) some one asked where they could watch a movie online for free (not a new one) and i answered by saying try

Has this happened to anyone else %26amp; did your account ever get re-instated?|||I had this account suspended a month ago but I got it back a week later after a lot of appealing.

It's not common for yahoo to re-instate your account however it can happen and can happen to you. (like it did for me =D)

-Oliver|||I haven't had the account suspended yet, but I am constantly being reported, as you stated for giving a simple answer.

Good luck...I'm being very cautious these days!|||Often answered questions like that, but never got a violation for recommending , download movie sites , either you have a stalker , or the way you worded your answer upset more than 1 other member|||ya it happened to me. i never got it back thought.|||I can't see why that answer was reported except that it is brief. You would have been better to give the URL, and add more in the way information

Suspension normally means deletion.

Yes it happened to me and no I didn't get my account back.|||Once, I had over 7000 Points.|||No, but I've been reported for three answers and one question. I can't believe they suspended you for that!|||I havent but if your coming back welcome back i missed you. its just stupid and it wasnt your fault.|||I asked if anyone had tried a particular type of software (converting an iTunes format to MP3) and got a violation because you're not supposed to. Apparently, you are not to direct people to sources of download which (in theory) could harm their computer.

I picked a best answer, then the violation kicked in a week later ????|||Unless the movie was very old (pre-WWII), it is still copyrighted and what you did was a violation of the YA TOS for telling them how to do it. If they go to the site and download it, they are probably breaking the law. I suspect that website is on the Yahoo hitlist of potential legal problems.|||Yes, got mine suspended for something ridiculous. The question was 'What is sn?' To which I replied tin. Ok I'd had a couple of violations before that but couldn't believe it when they suspended me for that answer. No sign of getting it back after appealing.

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