Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is racism online a good indicator of just how racist most people are in real life?

So online you can say anything you want and get away with it without having to worry about consequences other than having an account suspended or deleted. We have seen it on youtube and on this section it runs wild.

I do notice that most racists on this section are indeed White and on most sites it is uncommon to see racism from Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, it is just White people being racist 90 percent of t he time.

Is racism on the internet a good indicator of just how racist people are in real life?|||Racism is everywhere, but online it can be seen more. People of all races can be racist. Most people tend to keep their mouth shut because it can cause tention when spoken of. Blacks talk about other races, Whites and Asians do as well. It is because people are different and come from different cultures that makes some people feel they need to be better then the other one.

In America it is more common. Other countries race is less then an issue. I don't know why race is such a big thing in America compared to many other countries. It shouldn't matter since most Americans are immigrants.

There are all sorts of things floating around on the internet some about race, sex, politics and just about any other negative thing a person can think. People use the internet as a vent for their thoughts. If people sat and really thought about what is going on in their head they may have less negative thoughts to vent. So what if that guy at work you can't stand is black. Should you put all blacks down because of that one bad guy? There are good and bad of all backgrounds. It is really up to the person to decided what paths to go on in life. We shouldn't blame a group of people for a few's mistakes.

On the internet we all should be more mindful of how our words may impact others even if we may never meet or talk to those people. We should not go out trying to hurt anyone just for our own gain. Even if that gain it to vent alone. Hurting others we may never meet doesn't make it ok. We must realize what ever we do in life impacts others. Before we act we should ask ourself some simple questions. If I do this how will it effect me? If I do this how will it effect others? If I do this what are the possible out comes? Should I do this?

They are easy questions, but on the internet people tent to forget what is right and wrong. It has become a free for all.|||Chances of big cities being like that are slim since most people who live there do not have the time of the day to be racist, they are too busy but some small towns and small cities may have people like that. It may just be the kid of some illiterate redneck or some bored kid living in the suburbs trying to pass his time.|||Whites? I can't believe that you say that, lol and I'm not even white so I'm not defending....It could be the mongrel ones who are so sad about what they have in them...and oh people from 3rd world country like Mexico, that's the number 1, Italian/Spanish people influenced them too so that's what makes them so high of themselves...

REally? o.0....I don't believe you're that pretty miss, even if you kept mixing yourself with White, you're still a Mexican....|||i agree with both of the first answers i do think that some of them are just doing it for fun and that because they use an avatar or a different picture they can be a certain race half of them aren't even white they just pretend to be same with the black and asian trolls too

they are just looking for attention =/|||I wouldn't think so. But you really can't tell in real life because almost all racists have their mouth shut when they're out. So you really don't have anything to worry about.|||90% of the time it's trolls looking for attention who probably aren't racist|||indeed it is. they're saying what they really feel but are afraid of saying in real life|||yes|||Yes, the things people say online tend to be what is really going on in their head.

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