Sunday, December 4, 2011

Halifax Online Bank Account Suspended!?

I entered my password wrong too much times and I never knew it would be suspended because it's my first time to own a debit card/ online account. I read the FAQ's and it said that they will contact on me by phone in 24 hours and it's been 2 days now, it said if they cannot cannot me by phone then mail but so far no mail and I tried calling the help line but it has been busy. Anyone had their online banking account suspended before? If yes, what did you do? x|||I phoned them, answered security questions on my account e.g. how much do I have, what direct debits do I have set up etc.|||I used to be with halifax and it happend to me , i rang up answered the security questions and all that, but one time they wouldnt let me do that and sent me a temporary password in the post which took a while which was a bit crap, but it was sorted eventually.

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