Sunday, December 4, 2011

I keep getting emails saying my online bank account has been suspended?

I got one from Wells Fargo and then I got one from Bank of America but I don't have a bank account with either one of those banks! Should I be worried? I'm only 21, could it mean I might have some identity theft going on?|||No, they are trying to scare you into replying which will then give them a chance to get more info about you. Just delete them and forget them Good luck and be careful.|||you can call those banks to make sure there are not any accounts in your name, But most likely it is either someone has entered your email address as their own for online banking (pretty unlikely but not impossible) or they are fishing emails trying to get you to click the link in the email and then input your personal info onto the impostor site. Its a pretty standard scam. I would forward those emails to the spam emails for those banks, as well as the government phishing email as well.

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